Citizen science projects aim to engage the public in interactive, online, science-based activities. They offer fun learning opportunities and real-life contributions to active scientific research projects. These projects usually require nothing more than a computer and access to the internet. Tutorials are offered to get you started, and it’s always recommended you create an account and sign in each time you participate so you can track your work and (possible!) discoveries.
Here’s a list of astronomy-related Citizen Science projects:
Planet Four (a Zooniverse project)
Planet Hunters (a Zooniverse project)
Galaxy Zoo (a Zooniverse project)
The Milky Way Project (a Zooniverse project)
The Andromeda Project (a Zooniverse project)
SpaceWarps (a Zooniverse project)
Solar Stormwatch (a Zooniverse project)
Moon Zoo (a Zooniverse project)
Disk Detective (a Zooniverse project)
Asteroid Zoo (a Zooniverse project)
Radio Galaxy Zoo (a Zooniverse project)
Sunspotter (a Zooniverse project)